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16 Jan

Arts-body-mind Personal Growth Masterclass

The Ten Icons of the Buffalo

A Creative Path to Search and Discover the Self

We Seek Stillness in Movement,

and we Seek Movementin Stillness

The Ten Icons of the Buffalo is a series of pictorial images accompanied by philosophy created in the Zen Buddhist tradition to orient and indicate a developmental path to the creative and spiritual self.  The buffalo in different asian traditional texts is often seen as a vehicle of knowledge and understanding associated with personal growth.

The use of movementmeditationdancevisual art and creative writing will be the creative mediums that will indicate the path towards what is known “Awakening”. We awaken, of course, everyday of our lives. The sense of awakening here is about an open more spacious inner attitude in how one lives one’s life. Meditations, writings and visual art will be integrated with stillness and movement. Sounds of the nature and music, as well as, stillness and silence will help us on our way to an inner depth of knowing.

Everyday of this 5 day retreat we will work with 2 of the 10 icons.

We will experience and discover movement and meditations which will bring us to deepen the sense of becoming more aware of our natural self.

The Retreat is for who?

Adults of any age, without previous experience of movement or meditation. What is asked for is that a path of self knowledge has begun through other traditions or personal therapy. The participant comes with curiosity, respect for oneself and others, courage to confront moments of “not knowing”.  The course is developed and conceived for personal growth that may have applications in different professional areas such as education, rehabilitation, mental and physical health therapists.



Marcia Plevin


Dancer, Choreographer


Marcia’s background has taken her from performing artist, choreographer and dance teacher in New York city to Italy, where she studied to became a board certified dance movement therapist (BC-DMT),an American board certified counsellor and Italian psychologist, to pioneering DMT in ItalyFinland andTurkey. Co–founder in 1993 of the training program Creative movement – method Garcia-Plevin, the book which describes the training, Creative Movement and Dance has been published in Italian, French and English. She received DMT training from Art Therapy Italiana in collaboration with Goldsmith College, University of London with a certification of  art psychotherapist. She is a senior faculty member and supervisor for the Institute of Expressive Arts Psychotherapy, Art Therapy Italiana. Clinical practice in the past 20 years has been with patients recovering from substance abuse, adult psychiatric patients and with hemo-oncological unit patients on the pediatric unit of the Vatican children’s hospital. Authentic Movement teacher and trainer she has begun and followed groups in Italy, Finland and Turkey. Marcia became the program director of Inspirees CM program and a member of the faculty of Inspirees DMT program in China.




Time: April 11-15 (Thursday- Monday), 2019

Location: Mogan Mountain, Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province

Course Fee:  Standard-RMB 7,500/5 Days/Person.

3-person group/Students in Inspirees Institute-RMB 6,000/5 Days/Person.

Accommodation Fee: In order to achieve the best effect of the course, the 5-day workshop is immersive with full board and lodging. The cost will be shared equally according to the final number of participants.

It will cost around 2,600-3,200 RMB for the 5 days.

Contact Info


Telephone: Ms Katee SHEN: (86) 15911509565

Ms Penny PENG: (86)13436367045


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